Treatments to Tabiano Spa

JET DIRECT INHALATION – The thermal water is sprayed from an aerosol forming steam hot and humid that thins the secretions and cleanses the surface of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. And ‘suitable for the prevention and treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease from smog and pollution and rhinitis, pharyngitis and laryngitis.

INHALATION JET CONVEYED – The thermal water is piped with a new technique using a special mask that provides greater cleansing of the nasal passages.

AEROSOL-humage – The thermal water finely fragmented by compressed air is inhaled with the gas contained within it. And ‘particularly suitable for rhinitis, sinusitis and catarrhal bronchitis.

RINO THERMAL AEROSOL – The optimum temperature of the aerosol and the size of the aerosolized particles make this care besides well tolerated, particularly indicated in disorders of the upper airways (nose, pharynx, larynx).

INHALATION GAS IN THE ENVIRONMENT – And ‘the basic care of Tabiano, made essentially of hydrogen sulfide gas; is indicated for the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, especially those in catarrhal component. In order to exert all its benefits must be conducted in accordance with the requirements of the physician, usually in three sessions.

MIST ULTRASOUND IN ENVIRONMENT – Innovative inhaler technique, consisting of very fine micelles of thermal water. Find useful application in asthma and bronchitis also in laryngeal diseases. It is standard practice in two sessions.

SHOWER NASAL MICRONIZED – Aerosol large particles that carry a water wash and a massage of the nose and paranasal sinuses with an intense absorption of the active ingredients contained in the thermal. Additional or replacement than nasal irrigation, potentiates the effect of inhalation treatments.

NASAL IRRIGATION – Dry nasal districts that practice with thermal water at body temperature or slightly above. And ‘indicated in diseases such as chronic nasal mucopurulent rhinitis and rhinosinusitis and crusted. It is normally prescribed on alternate days associated with other inhalation therapy.

Endotympanic insufflation – Specific therapy for catarrhal otitis in young, adult and elderly. Is performed by medical personnel conveying the thermal gas into the Eustachian tube through the nasal catheter.

Politzer crenotherapy Vibrato – Thermal Technique effective in catarrhal otitis species of the child, is performed by conveying the thermal gas into the Eustachian tube in an indirect way, by means of a toggle occluding one nostril.

VAGINAL IRRIGATION – Find its main indication in inflammatory forms, catarrhal and itching of the female genitalia. The application technique is analogous to douches gynecological and is performed at low pressure and at body temperature.

BATH – This is carried out in bathrooms and partial immersion in spa water and suitable for many skin diseases such as atopic dermatitis and eczema, psoriasis, acne, seborrhea, etc.. They are also indicated in the outcomes of burns.

BALNEOTHERAPY ORAL – Technique of irrigation and hydro-massage mouth and gum made with a disposable device. Net income in the form of gingivitis and periodontitis.

CARE HYDROPINIC – Drink water-based thermal equilibrium that favors lipid contributes to the recovery of liver function and stimulates the production of antioxidants and anti-aging as evidenced by recent research and experiments. Is prescribed by your doctor to a maximum dose of approximately 350 ml / day.

MUD PART – Application District of sulphurous mud on the small joints with analgesic, anti-inflammatory and relaxant. Indicated especially in degenerative joint disease (osteoarthritis), and in traumas.